The Book: At the threshold — Empowerment Through Times of Change

Advice for Building Trust, Courage, and Confidence in Oneself
240 Pages
ISBN 978-3-89060-874-7
Neue Erde Verlag, 2024
Text Example (in German)

Publish date 16. September 2024

English publishers interested in publishing an English version can contact the author directly or contact Neue Erde Verlag, Publishers.

When the past is behind me but the future hasn’t yet arrived, my inner voice will guide me forward on the right path.

Big changes in life, such as a break-up, a job loss, or a serious illness, usually happen seemingly out of nowhere – suddenly the stone wall becomes a pile of rubble. But even slow changes, such as a shift away from your life’s current path, can create chaos and insecurity. Yesterday you were sure of the way forward, but today the dream feels unrealistic. You are standing at the threshold.

This book holds advice for times of crisis and upheaval in your life. It describes the typical stages to expect during times of change, aligns those stages with annual cycles, and helps to orient and steady you along your path. It also describes the challenges, pitfalls, and questions that are likely to appear, and how you can meet this time of change proactively. Rituals, exercises, time outdoors, meditation, and reflection can support your journey, keeping you capable and empowered until you emerge on the other side. With this book, you will learn to follow your heart, so that when your life changes dramatically, you can create a new authentic life for yourself.

The book is available in German in bookstores everywhere starting September 16, 2024.

English publishers interested in publishing an English version can contact the author directly or contact Neue Erde Verlag, Publishers.